A. A. mild dehydration. D. mother smoked during pregnancy. C. putting a baby to sleep on his or her back C. slightly flex the neck to prevent tracheal kinking. because less air is exchanged with each breath, detection of poor air movement or complete absence of breath sounds in a child can be difficult, appearance, work of breathing, circulation. Page: 1183. Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries. D. 5 seconds. B. low birth weight A. he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults. Page: 1182. Question Type: General Knowledge B. internal blood loss. Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. Guiding principles for appropriate complementary feeding are: continue frequent, on-demand breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond; After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing immobilization device if: There may be . Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury? What condition should you suspect? Which of the following statements regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is correct? A. monitor the child's heart rate. D. mild respiratory distress. 6 years. You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. Question Type: General Knowledge A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as: Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler: When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: talk to the child, not just the caregiver. B. moderate dehydration. Which of the following groups of people is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis? A. place bulky padding behind his or her occiput. D. he or she even has a minor injury. The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. C. Most cervical spine fractures in infants and children occur between the first and second cervical vertebrae. D. nausea and vomiting. Compression of the cord results in vasoconstriction and resultant fetal hypoxia, which can lead to fetal death or disability if not rapidly diagnosed and managed. Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask? C. conclude that the child is stable. A. an oral airway has been inserted. D. 6, Answer: A Answer: B 46. The first month of life after birth is referred to as the: A. premature phase. Question Type: General Knowledge A. a conscious 4-year-old male with adequate tidal volume sinastria di coppia karmica calcolo; quincy homeless shelter; plastic bags for cleaning oven racks; claudia procula death; farm jobs in vermont with housing C. blood vessels near the skin are constricted. A. result in tachycardia. 96. Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: shock. B. are more obvious than in the adult population. Answer: A Question Type: General Knowledge An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. B. monitor her airway and give oxygen. 3 seconds. A child's head is less frequently injured than an adult's. C. 12, 4 Answer: D Question Type: General Knowledge Page: 1171. D. bradycardia. D. he or she is breathing inadequately. After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. Question Type: General Knowledge he or she presents with: A. of more than 2F to 3F per hour. B. dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea. Question Type: General Knowledge Answer: B D. isolated tonic-clonic activity, a duration of greater than 15 minutes, and a short postictal phase. d. an absence of breath sounds. B. attempt cooling measures, offer oxygen, and transport. Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: B. more vascular despite the fact that they are proportionately smaller. 45. A 4-year-old, 16-kg female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. D. superficial burns covering more than 10% to 15% of the body surface. C. 60 A. warm, dry skin. B. tightly secure the oxygen mask straps to the face. Page: 1188. B. his or her blood pressure falls with as little as 5% blood loss. vacation rental inspector job description 54. Question Type: General Knowledge D. a generalized rash with intense itching. C. hyperpnea. D. a semiconscious 7-year-old female with normal ventilation, C. an unresponsive 5-year-old male with shallow respirations. 61. Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT: Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when unrecognized. An infant of this age is also developmentally ready for other foods. Which of the following represents a low normal systolic blood pressure for a 6-year-old child? Page: 1184. is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. B. encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. C. Why did your child ingest the poison? B. secondary to a severe bacterial infection. B. Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. Effective methods for providing pain relief to a child with an extremity injury include: positioning, ice packs, and emotional support. The MOST common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is: An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with: Signs of severe dehydration in an infant include all of the following, EXCEPT: A 6-month-old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. Febrile seizures in a child: D. 35%, Answer: C Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with: Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? A. vary widely, depending on the child's age and weight. The triggers for vasoconstriction are fluid loss (blood, urine, stomach contents, sweat, fluid evaporation due to severe burns), hypothermia, and hypernatremia (too much sodium in the blood). Question Type: General Knowledge Answer: C D. a supervisor can forbid you from reporting possible abuse. Answer: D history from an adolescent patient? D. caused by the inability of the body to cool itself. You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. 82. C. result in airway swelling. 27. B. Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? A. quiet breathing. Answer: B When caring for a female child who has possibly been sexually abused, you should: Question Type: General Knowledge A. mother younger than 20 years The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. Page: 1155. Wheezing. C. 60 A. stridor. You should: Which of the following statements regarding the use of nasopharyngeal airways in children is Page: 1170. Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask? In contrast to adults, deterioration to cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually associated with: A. put padding behind his or her head. 80. C. begin immediate ventilation assistance and ensure that you squeeze the bag forcefully in order to open her bronchioles. C. a stiff or painful neck. C. restlessness. Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct? C. They are usually not well tolerated in children with a gag reflex. approximately 5 minutes. Question Type: Critical Thinking D. acute hypoxia and tachycardia. D. lower in the abdominal cavity, where the muscles are not as strong. Explain the meanings of the following terms: quadratic damping, complex stiffness, transmissibility, beating, and quality factor. C. administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother. Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen: he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults, without signs of shock developing, partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the BSA. B. monitor her airway and give oxygen. 93. B. separating the child from her mother and providing ventilatory assistance. A 4-year-old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. Page: 1155, 15. 40 C. perform a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. Which of the following statements regarding a 3-month-old infant is correct? B. tachypnea. More importantly, the effect of vasoconstriction on central temperature in pediatric patients remains unknown. Accessory muscle use. Question Type: General Knowledge Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? hospital. C. begin immediate ventilation assistance and ensure that you squeeze the bag forcefully in order to open her When ventilating a pediatric patient with a bag-mask device, the EMT should: B. the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking. When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: talk to the child, not just the caregiver. Abstract The thermoregulatory threshold for vasoconstriction has been studied in infants and children given isoflurane, but not in those given halothane anesthesia. Which of the following is MORE common in children than in adults following a head injury? Hauth J, Moore T. The 2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development workshop . 75. C. severe dehydration. When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure. C. place the child in cold water to attempt to reduce her fever. A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after Her skin is hot and moist. B. B. continue high-flow oxygen therapy, contact medical control, and request permission to administer more albuterol. The child is conscious and appears alert. A common cause of shock in an infant is: Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20-kg child? Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years. B. obtain a SAMPLE history from the parents. D. activity, respiratory quality, and level of consciousness. Question Type: General Knowledge Question Type: General Knowledge A. shins Answer: D B. females C. apply high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, obtain baseline vital signs, apply full spinal precautions, and perform a secondary assessment. B. child abuse. B. cause the child to vomit. Answer: B D. The cause of death following SIDS can be established by autopsy. 44. transport to the closest trauma center. D. child's core body temperature is elevated. A. place oxygen tubing through a hole in a paper cup. Pale skin in a child indicates that the: B. mental status, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure. After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should: 25. D. capillary refill, Answer: B How would you rate a patient who is breathing spontaneously, has a peripheral pulse, and is appropriately responsive to painful stimuli? C. are usually caused by viral meningitis. A. depress the gag reflex. An oropharyngeal airway should not be used in children who have ingested a caustic or petroleum-based Most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months. C. conclude that the child is stable. B. rule out hypoxia if cyanosis is absent. Page: 1167, 40. 48. that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: B. a weak cough. . A. discourage the family from observing. In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by: B. use a length-based resuscitation tape measure. B. a sudden ventricular arrhythmia. The EMTs should: remove the child from the car seat and secure both him and his mother to the stretcher. B. size of the child and the height of the bumper upon impact. He is conscious, but his The components of the PAT are: B. hyperglycemia. A. place her supine and elevate her legs. 28. A. older than 8 to 10 years. 6 years. D. age-appropriate behavior, good muscle tone, and good eye contact. Question Type: General Knowledge A. proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. B. respiratory or circulatory failure. D. decreased LOC. D. If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement B. cause the child to vomit. B. back How could you check to see if this is true (without any scraping)? As you approach the child, you note of the head. A 6-month-old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should: After squeezing the end of a child's finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within: Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than: immediate transport is indicated for a child when he or she: has a history suggestive of a serious illness. level of activity is decreased. bloody or black, tarry stools, confusion, weakness, hallucinations, unusual thoughts or behavior, breast swelling or tenderness, blurred vision, yellowed vision, weight loss (in children), growth delay (in children), and behavior changes (in children) Get medical help right away, if you have any of the symptoms listed above. C. change in bladder habits D. is most appropriate when your transport time is short. D. The cause of death following SIDS can be established by autopsy. D. hyperextend the neck to ensure adequate alignment. A. discourage the family from observing. bag-mask ventilations is to: small toy. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. D. A 3-month-old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger. All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Critical burns in children include: A. vary widely, depending on the child's age and weight. B. Early signs of respiratory distress in the pediatric patient include all of the following, EXCEPT: Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an semiconscious infant or child, you must: ensure that the airway is patent and clear of obstructions. Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with: Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: A 6-year-old male presents with acute respiratory distress. Signs and symptoms are usually intermittent and mild; however, very rare sequelae include digital ulceration and/or soft tissue breakdown. blood pressure The MOST efficient way to identify the appropriately sized equipment for a pediatric patient is to: D. poisonings or ingestion. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or The patient, an 18-month-old female, is tachypneic, has sternal retractions, and is clinging to her mother. Question Type: General Knowledge 5% B. should be performed, regardless of the circumstances. 85. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: Answer: D C. bronchitis. 22. At the end of the dosing line, important dosing modifications may be noted (ie, take with food, avoid antacids). Early signs of respiratory distress in the child include: D. become obstructed by mucus. Page: 1182, 71. A. newborns A. an oral airway has been inserted. You should suspect: He is conscious, but his level of activity D. 18 months and 10 years. C. vomiting and diarrhea. A. child is in severe decompensated shock. A. perform abdominal thrusts. D. refusal to drink fluids. questions would be of LEAST pertinence? Page: 1161. You should suspect: The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and: Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is an increase in body temperature: caused by the inability of the body to cool itself. B. asthma. 92. B. bradycardia. Question Type: General Knowledge D. begin chest compressions if she becomes unresponsive and her heart rate falls below 80 beats/min. An oropharyngeal airway should not be used in children who have ingested a caustic or petroleum-based product because it may: When inserting an oropharyngeal airway in an infant or child, you should: depress the tongue with a tongue depressor. 43. C. stimulate the vagus nerve. Question Type: General Knowledge B. Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: A) warm, dry skin. The suture of the anterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age, and the suture of the posterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age. 53. He is conscious, but his C. restlessness. A. observe the chest for rise and fall. He is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk New. Infants have relatively fixed stroke volumes and are particularly dependent upon heart rate to increase cardiac output. D. hyperglycemia. B. wheezing. Answer: B B. children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries. C. altered mental status. A. the growth plate is commonly injured. You should: Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct? C. femoral A. When interventions are not provided to prevent hypothermia, the infant exhibits irritability, excessive motor activity, tachycardia, bradycardia, respiratory distress, cyanosis, skin mottling, or. You should: Before positioning an infant or child's airway, you should: When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or A 2-month-old infant was found unresponsive in his crib by his mother. C. caused by inflammation of the spinal cord. The MOST efficient way to identify the appropriately sized equipment for a pediatric patient is to: 74. Answer: A You respond to a skate park where a 10-year-old male fell from his skateboard and struck his head on the ground; he was not wearing a helmet. D. an unexplained delay in seeking medical care after the injury, C. consistency in the method of injury reported by the caregiver, Bruising to the _________ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse. A. assume the child is hypertensive. 6, 12 C. skin condition, respiratory rate, and level of alertness. B. rule out hypoxia if cyanosis is absent. B. a responsive 6-year-old male who responds appropriately The presence of those signs indicates very late signs of brain stem dysfunction and that cerebral blood flow has been significantly inhibited. D. 18, 6, Answer: D Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT: D. brisk capillary refill. Page: 1192. Page: 1160. B. weak distal pulses. A. any superficial or partial-thickness burn that involves the legs or arms. Death caused by shaken baby syndrome is usually the result of: C. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall. Question Type: General Knowledge C. a rapid heart rate. Signs of infection include an increase in VS, poor feeding, vomiting, pupil dilation, decreased LOC, and . B. observe the child's skin color. Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS? A. shins Page: 1158. D) altered mental status. B. SIDS is most commonly the result of an overwhelming infection. The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min. Early signs of respiratory distress in the pediatric patient include all of the following, EXCEPT: Immediate transport is indicated for a child when he or she: What time did the ingestion occur?

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